Chesapeake Bay Aerial Photographs
Highcamera Aerial Photographic Service announces the release of 3 new collections of Chesapeake Bay aerial photographs.
These high resolution aerial photographs showcase several well known Chesapeake Bay landmarks including Smith Island Maryland, the USAS American Mariner, Tangier Island Virginia, and Watts Island.
Images in the Smith Island gallery include aerial photos of Rhodes Point, Tylerton and Ewell, the three communities that exist on the island.
The Tangier Island gallery features several views of this Chesapeake Bay island.
The Chesapeake Bay gallery showcases two of the lesser known landmarks. In Maryland, lies the hulk of the USAS American Mariner, which after a long history, has become a target ship for the armed forces.
Further South is Watts Island, located in the Virginia portion of Pocomoke Sound. This remote island was once home to a large lighthouse and a population of wild goats. Currently, the island is an important roosting and nursery area for a variety of aquatic birds. The sand bars and grass beds around the island are known for their productive fishing.
These images are offered in a variety of sizes on high quality paper and permanent vibrant inks. Each image purchased will be signed by the photographer and are certain to retain their value for many years to come. Highcamera Aerial Photography offers these images as well as images for Real Estate, Construction Progress and advertising on demand.
Please visit our website to further explore these wonderful aerial photographs of the Eastern Shore and feel free to contact us for your aerial photographic projects.